Visitors Book
Glossary of Terms
The Multitude... the Valley of Decision!Time for decision,
to see the great division,
world in collision!
The valley of decision roll-call, is the greatest roll-call in history...
Rather than compile a roll-call of the Multitudes, in the Valley of Decision...
It would be simpler to just say who won’t be there!
Three specific groups...
- First - ALL born-again Christians...
Clearly they have already made a decision for Jesus Christ...
- Repenting of sin...(Romans 3.23)
- Confessing his name before man... (Luke 12:8-9;),
- Knowing that their names are written in heaven... (Luke 10:20;)
- Going from condemnation to justification... (Rom. 4:25; 5:18; 8:1;)
- Already looking for their Blessed Hope... (Titus 2:13).
Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 10:32-33- Second - another group, excluded from the valley of decision, is all those infants and children, below the age of accountability, and unable to comprehend the issues discussed here.
And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:3- Thirdly -
the last group, would be those already destined for eternal damnation who have blasphemed or grieved the Holy Spirit, having committed the unforgivable sin! (Matt. 12:31-32; Mark 3:29;), rendering themselves beyond redemption!(Clearly no opportunity to come to Jesus Christ...
& receive salvation is available to these wretched souls!)
The foregoing descriptions are entirely straight forward...
If you cannot include yourself in any of these categories then...
YOU are in the valley, with the multitudes, and have a decision to make!
There are also TWO individuals who will be excluded from the Valley of Decision. They appear in prophecy, and are called the beast and the false prophet...
(Rev. 11:7;13:1-4; 13:11-18; 14:9-11; 15:2; 16:2; 16:10; 19:20; 20:4; 20:10) Clearly the outworking of prophecy being so certain, these individuals are bound for eternal torment. No opportunity for them to come to repentance and accept the
Lord Jesus Christ as saviour. For it is written!Having now excluded the preceding categories...
any attempt to compile a roll-call of the multitudes, would obviously be incomplete, inadequate, or perhaps even biased & prejudiced.The following...however,
may provide some food for thought!
- Remember first that the Valley of Decision is a level playing field.
- No provision is made for class structures, no differentiation between...
- rich or poor
- bond or free
- washed or the great unwashed
- No category or division listing either noble ancestry or criminal records, the blue blooded will mix with the bloodied the prince rubbing shoulders with the pervert and the president jostling with the pimp.
- The prosperous & the impoverished, the confident & the inadequate... Equal opportunities throughout!
The multitude are NOT here to...
- Socialise
- or be Entertained
- NOT to Sell
- or Beg
- or Borrow
- or Steal
Here for one purpose, & one purpose only, to consider the truth, make a decision, then except the consequences, boldly facing eternity head-on!
What can be fairer than that?
The VALLEY contains people from every...
- Tribe
- Nation
- Race
- Language
- The "Apostate Church"
- The New World Order
- The Economists
- The Genetic Scientists
- The Physicists
- The Technologists
- The Prisoners
- The Harry Potter Enthusiasts
- The New-age movement
From upon the earth, from under the earth...
Drawn by the everlasting gospel, being preached to the very ends of the earth.
- Male
- Female
- ....those of Confused Gender
- Pensioners
- Teenagers
- Loners
- Team-players
- Grafters
- Freeloaders
....encompassing every section of society!
- Famous
- Infamous
- Affluent
- Dispossessed
People who are...
- Yellow
- Black
- Pink
- White
- Red
- English
- French
- Russian
- Spanish
- Chinese
- Arabic
- Swahili
- Urdu
Every possible faith represented:
- Bahai,
- Druid
- Hindu,
- Mormon,
- Moslem,
- Pagan,
- Rosicrucian,
- Sikh,
- Scientology,
- Theosophist
Including even those...
Who THOUGHT that they were ADVANCED SOULS or ADEPTS or GURUS or MASTERS!Including even those...
Who THOUGHT that they were CHRISTIANS!Professionals and educators...
aligned with the Unemployed and UneducatedWith many educated fools!
The Talented & Articulate with the Incapable & Speechless...
City Slickers & Country Bumpkins...
The Anorexic & Obese...
The Charitable & the Mean...
Those dressed to kill, straight from the Races & the Opera...
The Naked & the Homeless...
Socialites & the Reclusive...
Followers & Leaders playing follow the LeaderThe valley is some fashion parade!
- Toffs in tuxedos
- Drop-outs in denims
- the Chic
- the Bizarre
- boilersuits
- & body armour,
- uniforms of every vocation,
- costumes from every location,
- every known designer label.
So many faces, from so many places,
as in the crowds of...
- Football finals
- Grand prix circuits
- Free rock concerts
- A night at the opera
- or a day at the races
As in the throngs...
- At Theme Parks
- Protest Marches
- Airports & Stations
- Night Shifts & Day Jobs
- Holiday Resorts
- Prison Exercise Yards
- Conventions & Conferences
- Dole Queues
- Shopping Malls
The Valley is Reality & it is NOW...!
THERE ARE NO.......!
- NO Fantasies
- NO Happy Hour
- NO Vanity Fair
- NO Future Zone
- NO Memory Lane
- NO V.I.P. Lounge
- NO Nostalgia Trips
- NO Yellow Brick Road
- NO Star Trek Excursions
- NO Dr. Who Time-Travels
- NO Rocky Horror Time-Warps
- NO Restaurant at the End of the Universe!
Just answer the question...WHO IS GOD???
Poem......"ABBA Father"
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![]() Page Title: The the Valley of Decision Page URL: Page Updated: 9thJuly 2020 Author/Webmaster: Leslie C.Gaston ![]() ![]() ![]() |