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Poems for the Apocalypse.......©
...Victorious Verse!
Night watchman...kneeling,
In fervent prayer....appealing,
God’s grace..............revealing!
His prayers.......being heard,
The angelic host......are stirred,
Fulfilling....................God’s word!
Look!, pray and persevere,
Love!......................conquers all fear!AMEN!
Further poems for the Apocalypse.......©
O Mighty King...!©1998
Earths darkening skies bring trepidation;
Death, grief and woe in every nation;
Spent... the beast's futile reign,
Failed... his mark that just bought pain;
The tribulation hour now at its close,
Destruction time for those ten toes!Will the Son find faith on earth?
Will many know a second birth?
How much wheat will angels gather?
Or how many tares to burn up rather?
Now is the time for final count...
The fifth horseman now prepares to mount!The armies of heaven prepare to ride...
So glad to be the winning side!
The timing is just perfect...phew!
As only God the Father knew;
The archangel shouts, the trumpet blasts,
Announcing YES! He's here at last!O Mighty King coming in glory, to judge both the quick and the dead,
Raptured saints, in heaven alive, returning with you as their head;
They who always watched and prayed are crowned as their reward,
Now wedded to the Holy Lamb, forever with the Lord!Here to reign O Mighty King, with many crowns and rod of iron,
O Word of God, Faithful and True, white horse riding into Zion;
Tread again on Olivet, build your throne and smite each nation
Praise, Glory, Honour, Power be given to him whose Blood has won Salvation;
Ride on in Truth and Righteousness, LORD OF LORDS, King of Glory,
reign supreme Lord Jesus Christ, KING OF KINGS, complete your story!Amen; Alleluia
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ABBA Father...©1998
Abba Father judge creation;
Before the harvest spoils,
Tread underfoot the works of Satan;
Release your Saints from all their toils.In thy wrathful indignation,
having sent thine only Son,
Judge the sinners mocking scorn;
Delivering those who are reborn.Abba Father Saints adoring,
prostrate throwing crowns before thee,
Restoring ALL to former glory,
Let us loose ourselves in thee.
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Children of the Apocalypse...©1998
Children of the Apocalypse,
It’s not all gloom and doom;
The saviour’s arms are open wide,
and in his heart there’s room.The day of judgment’s fast approaching,
Signs and wonders all around;
Seek refuge in the Lamb of God,
In Him, alone, the truth is found.Calamities, Strife and Pestilence,
Wreaking havoc on the earth;
Fear not, be glad and rejoice,
Celebrate your second birth.......*The wrath of God will soon be ended,
and peace will reign supreme,
with Yeshua, glorious Lamb of God,
Our Song, our Praise, our Theme.
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Spiritual Warfare...©1998
Welcome pilgrim to planet Earth!
This is Satan’s battle zone,
take God’s armor around thy girth,
for you are not alone.JESUS, Precious Lamb of God,
has won the victory,
Taking captive with his Holy Blood,
every demon power and principality.So pilgrim, ALL you need to do,
Is Watch and Pray ALWAYS,
Disarming that demonic zoo,
Then Praise God for Happy Days!
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Refuse the Mark of the Beast!©2>1998
Refuse the Mark of the Beast!
Open your eyes to Satan’s wiles,
He can even appear as an angel of light,
tricking multitudes with his smiles.Your body’s the temple of God,
the Holy Spirit wishes to fill,
give that temple to Jesus,
to cleanse and renew, that’s His will.Those who accept the Mark of the Beast,
are doomed in eternity’s fire;
the Saints of the Lord will be eternally blessed,
in God’s kingdom with heavenly choirs.
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The heavens are torn asunder,
the glorious King appears,
that mighty chief of thunder,
God’s promise of the years.The day of judgment over,
the final battle won,
That demonic host remover,
Jesus Christ, God’s precious Son.Now is the time for restoration,
God’s kingdom here on earth,
Saints alive in celebration,
such rapturous joy and mirth.
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Desire of all Nations...©1998
Desire of all Nations,
the Blessed Hope is here to reign,
O glorious time of jubilee,
What once was loss, in you is gain;
The Kingdom established in our hearts,
In those years of toil and strife,
is lost to faith, for now with sight,
we celebrate eternal life.GLORY! HALLELUJAH!
Celebrate the Kingdom come,
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost,
For bringing pilgrims home;
Forget the pain, Forget the tears,
Forget the labors of the years,
Forget the mocking and cruel scorn,
God’s kingdom now is truly born!
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Ship of Fools...©1998
O planet earth, thou ship of fools,
prepare to meet thy makers wrath!
Living in sin, breaking all the rules,
having failed to seek the saviours path.The sands of time have all run out,
The saints of God gathered up to glory;
Now with trumpet blast and angel shout,
the Lord of Hosts completes the story!
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Holy Bible...©1998
Holy Bible, Word of God,
the Spirits breath, in words and pages;
Living rhema, correcting rod,
revelation of the ages.Inspired source of all sound doctrine,
Guiding us in how to pray,
Teaching truth, providing healing,
keeping devilish foes at bay.Contained within these wondrous verses...
A precious Lamb to Virgin born,
Delivering us from all our curses,
Died on the tree to take our scorn.Furthermore it ends not there,
not even in the grave,
He rose again triumphantly,
the human race to save.The prophecies continue on...
past the Virgin and the tree,
To an everlasting Kingdom come,
That’s made for you and me.Praise God for your Bible,
Why not give one to a friend?
For the ignorant are liable,
to a tormented fiery end.God’s Kingdom here on earth at last,
fulfillment of those pages,
Like a dream, so pure, so good, so vast,
the sure promise of the ages.Now the Bible’s history,
as we explore eternal ages,
Praise God! for fulfilled prophecy,
.......not forgetting words and pages!
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The carpenter from Nazareth
is no longer working there,
He’s reigning now at Heavens throne
Building many mansions in the air.His promise is to come again
and receive us as His own;
To occupy those mansions,
reaping all that we have sown.So come Lord Jesus in your glory,
nail pierced hands turning pages,
abolish strife & war, & all things gory,
...reign now supreme O Rock of Ages!
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Alpha and Omega, First and Last,
Before thy throne our crowns we cast,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
Saints, Elders, Creatures, Angelic Host.You alone command the Blessing,
in Majesty your Glory shines,
Fount of Wisdom we give Thanksgiving,
Honour and Praise from Living Vines,Almighty Father, Supreme Power,
Precious Lamb, who won Salvation,
Source of Might and our Strong tower,
Rod of Iron, breaking every Nation,Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End,
Awesome God and Precious Friend,
Reign Eternal, Commanding Praises,
Infinity beckons in Worship Phrases....Forever & Ever
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Dear Baby...©1998
Dear Baby, with a gender,
Dear Baby, with a name,
God’s such a blessing sender,
Secretly fashioning your frame.Precious are His thoughts for you,
His plans for you are wise,
For you’ll accomplish something new,
Run the straight race, win the prize.But there’s a problem Baby dear,
As in Mummies womb you lay,
Your parents want you out of here,
Your precious life to slay.You see, Daddies job’s important,
and for promotion there’s a fight,
Mummy also tends to rave and rant,
Those stretch marks! What a sight!So, Baby dear it’s time to go,
Take your gender and your name,
Your parents have become your foe,
They think life’s just a game.You see, they don’t know Jesus,
Their wisdom’s from the ‘Pit’,
It’s down to pleasing Me, and Us,
So around their table you won’t sit.So Baby dear, for you I pray,
And the millions of your kind,
For justice to prevail on Judgment Day;
Selfish parents are so blind!Come Lord Jesus in your Glory,
Gather precious babes into your arms,
Perfect for them another story,
Their names engraved upon your palms.
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The Final Countdown...©2001
When will the last soul be saved?
Whose name will fill the Lambs final page?
What name is on God’s hand engraved?
To complete the salvation of the age.And Lord your wishes are quite clear,
preferring none to perish or be lost,
With perfect love to cast away fear,
Your blood shed for us at such a cost!Who’s the last to kneel at Calvary’s tree?
What sins will be forgiven there?
One final blood bought child is free!
Your glorious Kingdom Lord about to share!
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What, who me...?©1999
What, who me? Plumbing the depths of despair?
Entangled by a defeated foe? The prince power of the air?
My soul downcast? With the battle already won?
Victory in Jesus blood & God’s most precious Son!Rising up victorious singing praises to the King!
Hands outstretched to heaven where a door is opening,
Raptured and ecstatic as we tread the bounds of heaven,
Singing praises, power, strength and might to Him alone is given!No vain hopes or nonsense thoughts, can ever thwart my cause,
No vanity or insanity can enter in through heavens doors,
Be upright, faithful, bold & true, above all things be loving,
Certain that your name is in the Lamb’s book of the living!NO weird or worldly fantasies... NO drug induced hallucinations,
Can ever hope for glory’s joys or tranquil rest at heavens stations.
So cast your eyes on JESUS, secure on him a steadfast gaze,
Worship Him the King of Glory the Ancient of Days!
Page Title: Poems for the Apocalypse
Page URL:
Page Updated: 7thAugust 2023
Author/Webmaster: Leslie C.GastonCopyright © Blessed Hope Ministries - International © MM